
职  务:

职  称:教授、硕士生导师








1. 病毒感染与免疫细胞互作的分子机制和干预策略;

2. 结核疫苗和结核免疫;

3. 基于病毒感染和结核病相关的循证医学与免疫学的关系的评价




1.Xiufen Du, DaquanTan, Yang Gong, Yifan Zhang, Jiangyuan Han, Wei Lv, TaoXie, Pu He, Zongjie Hou, Kun Xu, Jiying Tan, Bingdong Zhu. A new poly(I:C)-decorated PLGA-PEG nanoparticle promotes Mycobacterium tuberculosis fusion protein to induce comprehensive immune responses in mice intranasally. Microb Pathog. 2022 Jan;162:105335.

2.何朴, 谭继英, 李菲, 牛红霞, 祝秉东,卡介苗介导的训练免疫机制与作用,解放军医学杂志. 2022,47(02),197-202. 

3.Zongjie Hou, Yu Jiang, Lincai Zhang, Aixia Tu, Ting Liu, Xiufen Du, Chen Dai, Yaning Xu, Ruijuan Qiao, Jiying Tan. Characterization and Recombinant Genotypes of HIV-1 in Gansu Province, China. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2021 Dec;37(12):946-953.  

4.Youjun Mi, Tao Xie, Bingdong Zhu, Jiying TanXuefeng LiYanping LuoFei LiHongxia NiuJiangyuan HanWei Lv, Juan Wang. Production of SARS-CoV-2 Virus-Like Particles in Insect Cell. Vaccines (Basel). 2021 May 26;9(6):554. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9060554.

5.Ting LiuNa LiZongjie HouLinsheng LiuLihong GaoLin Wang, Jiying Tan. Nutrition and exercise interventions could ameliorate age-related cognitive decline: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Aging Clin Exp Res. 2021 Jul;33(7):1799-1809.            

6.张林才,侯宗婕,王越,姜宇,王杰,李飞鸿,许亚宁,谭继英,乔瑞娟. 假病毒应用的优势与弊端. 病毒学报.2020,36(6):1187-1192

7.刘婷, 谭继英, 侯宗婕, 张蕊, 乔成栋. HIV 相关神经认知功能障碍的发病机制及诊断研究进展. 中国艾滋病性病.2020, 26(3): 317-320 DOI:10. 13419/j. cnki. aids. 2020. 03. 26

8.魏小乐,王晓霞,贾怀杰,景志忠,王永祥,谭继英. 载脂蛋白B mRNA编辑酶催化亚基3A的表达及其DNA去甲基化功能鉴定. 永利集团3044am官方入口学报(医学版). 2018, 44(3):8-15)

9.Yu Jiang, Lincai Zhang, Zongjie Hou, Aixia Tu, Ruijuan Qiao, Chen Dai, Ning Yao,Xiufen Du, Yaning Xu and Jiying Tan.* Prevalence of Different Genotypes of HIV-1 in Injection Drug Users in China: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Current HIV Research, 2019, 17 (4)240-257.

10.Wanbo Liu, Jingjing Li, Hongxia Niu, Xiaofa Lin, Ruiying Li, Yue Wang, Qi Xin, Hongjuan Yu, Yumin Wu, Bingdong Zhu, Jiying Tan. Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of multistage vaccine candidates (Mtb8.4-HspX and HspX-Mtb8.4) against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice. Int Immunopharmacol. 2017,15; 53:83-89.

11.Wang X, Tan J, Biswas S, Zhao J, Devadas K, Ye Z, Hewlett I. Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection Increases Apoptosis and HIV-1 Replication in HIV-1 Infected Jurkat Cells. Viruses. 2016: 8(2).2-13

12.Zhao J, Liu J, Vemula SV, Lin C, Tan J, Ragupathy V, Wang X, Mbondji-Wonje C, Ye Z, Landry ML, Hewlett I. Sensitive Detection and Simultaneous Discrimination of Influenza A and B Viruses in Nasopharyngeal Swabs in a Single Assay Using Next-Generation Sequencing-Based Diagnostics. PLoS One. 2016 Sep 22;11(9):e0163175.

13.Jiying Tan, Xue Wang*, Krishnakumar Devadas, Jiangqin Zhao, Panhe Zhang, Indira Hewlett*. Some mechanisms of FLIP expression in inhibition of HIV-1 replication in Jurkat cells, CD4+ T cells and PBMCs. J Cell Physiol. 2013: 228 (12): 2305-13 

14.Xue Wang*,  Jiying Tan, Jiangqin Zhao,  Viswannath Ragupathy,  Mohan Haleyurgirisetty , Indira Hewlett*. Some findings of FADD knockdown in inhibition of HIV-1 replication in Jurkat cells and PBMCs. Mol Cell  Biochem, 2014; 393 (1-2):181-90. ( IF= 2.388 ) 三区1/6 (共同第一)