
职  务:

职  称:副教授、硕士生导师




        强时茸(1985— ),女,满族,山东文登人。2009年毕业于永利集团3044am官方入口临床医学院临床医学专业,获医学学士学位;2016年毕业于日本广岛大学医学专业,获医学博士学位。现为永利集团3044am官方入口副教授/硕士生导师(学硕和专硕)。近五年以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表SCI论文十余篇,主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目以及其它课题多项。

【研究方向】 环境生理学,环境微生物学及毒理学


【主要荣誉】 获得永利集团3044am官方入口2019年青年教师授课大赛二等奖


【学术兼职】 担任ChemosphereEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research等杂志的审稿人



1. Shirong Qiang*, Kuling Guo, DanZhang, Wei Sun, Zihuan wang, Sujie Huang, Ping Li, Qianghui Fan, The damage mechanism of Uranium (VI) to HK-2 cells. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-023-08843-2

2. Jiayu Song,Zhengyang E, Yaqiong Dong, Ping Li, Shirong Qiang*, Qiaohui Fan, Sorption of U(VI) in farming and natural soils from northewest China. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-022-08720-4

3. Zhe Ding, Wentao Zhang, Jianjun Liang, Shirong Qiang, Wei Wang, Ping Li, Qiaohui Fan*. Photoreduction behavior of Cr(VI) on oxidized carbon nanoparticles: From Photocatalytic sfficiencey to oxygenated groups. Chemosphere, 2023,311,137136.

4. Shirong Qiang, Jingjing Wang, Yun Wang, Longmiao Yuan, Leiping Shi, Zhe Ding, Wei Wang, Jianjun Liang, Ping Li*, Qiaohui Fan, Analysis of the uranium chemical state by XPS: Is what you see real? Applied surface Science,576 (2022) 151886.

5. Shirong Qiang*, Li Zhang, Zhengbin Li, Jianjun Liang, Ping Li, Jiayu Song, Kunling Guo, Zihuan Wang, Qiaohui Fan, New insights into the cellular toxicity of Carbon Quantum Dots to Escherichia Coli. Antioxidants,2022,11,2475.

6. Dongxia Luo, Rongyue Geng, Youxian Zhang, Ping Li, Jianjun Liang, Qiaohui Fan, Shirong Qiang*, Interaction behaviors of Cr(VI) at biotite-water interface in the presence of HA: Batch, XRD and XPS investigations. Chemosphere,293 (2022) 133585.

7. Dongxia Luo*, Shirong Qiang*, Rongyue Geng, Leiping Shi, Jiayu Song, Qiaohui Fan, Mechanistic study for mutual interactions of Pb2+ and Trichoderma viride. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 233 (2022) 113310.

8. Rongyue Geng, Longmiao Yuan, Leiping Shi, Shirong Qiang, Yuqiang Li, Jianjun Liang, Ping Li, Guodong Zheng, Qiaohui Fan*. New insights into the sorption of U(VI) on Kaolinite and illite in the presence of Aspergillus niger. Chemosphere, 2022,288,132497.

9.Shirong Qiang, Zhengbin Li, Li Zhang, Dongxia Luo*, Rongyue Geng, Xueli Zeng, Jianjun Liang, Ping Li, Qiaohui Fan, Cytotoxic effect of Graphene Oxide Nanoribbons on Escherichia coli. Nanomaterials, 2021, 11(5),1339.

10. Dongxia Luo, Rongye Geng, Wei Wang, Zhe Ding, Shirong Qiang*, Jianjun Liang, Ping Li, Youxian Zhang*, Qiaohui Fan. Trichoderma viride involvement in the sorption of Pb(II) obatch and spectroscopicstudies,n muscovite, biotite and phlogopite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020,123249.

11. Shirong Qiang*, Mingyuan Wang, jianjun Liang, Xiaolan Zhao, Qiaohui Fan, Rongyue Geng, Dongxia Luo, Zhengbin Li, Li Zhang, Effects of morphology regulated by Pb2+ on graphene oxide cytotoxicity: Spectroscopic and in vitro investigations. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 122016.

12. Ping Li, Jingjing Wang, Yun Wang, Jianjun Liang, Duoqiang Pan, Shirong Qiang, Qiaohui Fan*, An overview and recent progress in the heterogeneous photocatalyticreduction of U(VI). Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews,2019, 41.

13. Zhiwei Niu, Xiaoyan Wei, Shirong Qiang*, Hanyu Wu, Duoqiang Pan, Wangsuo Wu, Qiaohui Fan*, Spectroscopic studies on U(VI) incorporation into CaCO3: Effects of aging time and U(VI) concentration. Chemosphere, 2019, 220,1100.

14. Jingjing Wang, Bihong He, Xiaoyan Wei, Ping Li, Jianjun Liang, Shirong Qiang*,Qiaohui Fan, Wangsuo Wu*Sorption of uranyl ions on TiO2: Effects of pH, contact time, ionic strength, temperature and HA. Journal of environmental sciences, 2019, 75,115-123.

15. Shaobo Du, Bin Liu, Zhan Li*, Hongxin Tan, Wei Qi, Tianqi Liu, Shirong Qiang, Taofeng Zhang, Fuxiang Song, Xiujuan Chen, Jia Chen, Hongdeng Qiu, Wangsuo Wu*, A Nanoporous Graphere/Nitrocellulose Membrane Beficial to Wound Healing. ACS Appl Bio Mater., 2021,17;4(5):4522-4531

16. Hanyu Wu, Shirong Qiang, Qiaohui Fan, Xiaolan Zhao, Peng Liu, Ping Li, Jianjun Liang, Wangsuo Wu*, Exploring the relationship between Th(IV) adsorption and the structure alteration of phlogopite, Appl. Clay Sci., 2018, 152: 295.

17.  Xiaolan Zhao, Shirong Qiang, Hanyu Wu, Yunbo Yang, Dadong Shao, Linchuan Fang, Jianjun Liang, Ping Li, Qiaohui Fan*, Exploring the sorption mechanism of Ni(II) on illite: Batch sorption, modelling, EXAFS and extraction investigations, Sci. Rep., 2017, 7(1): 8495.

18. Shirong Qiang, Bin Han, Xiaolan Zhao, Yunbo Yang, Dadong Shao, Pin Li, Jianjun Liang, Qiaohui Fan*, Sorption of nickel(II) on a calcareous aridisol soil, China: Batch, XPS, and EXAFS spectroscopic investigations, Sci. Rep., 2017, 7: 46744.

19. Shirong Qiang, Yusuke Nakatsu, Yasuyuki Seno, Midori Fujishiro, Hideyuki Sakoda, Akifumi Kushiyama, Keiichi Mori, Yasuka Matsunaga, Takeshi Yamamotoya, Hideaki Kamata, Tomoichiro Asano*, Treatment with the SGLT2 inhibitor luseogliflozin improves nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in a rodent model with diabetes mellitus, Diabetol Metab Syndr, 2015, 7: 104.






4.永利集团3044am官方入口“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”定向探索青年教师科研创新项目,lzujbky-2022-32,铀元素对HK-2 细胞的损伤机制研究,2022.7.1-2024.6.30, 15万元,在研,主持。

5. 横向项目,白银地区典型矿山-水-土壤-植被系统中土壤微生物评价,中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,2022.6-2022.12,结题,主持。

6.永利集团3044am官方入口“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金”自由探索优秀青年教师科研创新项目,Lzujbky-2017-21,氧化石墨烯形貌对其细胞毒性的影响机制研究,2017.1 -2018.12,5万元,结题,主持。



1. 开设课程:本科生课程《医学生理学》、《人体解剖生理学》、《生理学实验》、《机能学实验》;研究生课《研究生英语》,《医学生理学》

2. 培养学生:指导创新创业项目9项,其中国创1项,卓越计划项目1项,科学院大学创新实践训练计划项目3项,指导研究生2人

3. 教学获奖 :

        2021年永利集团3044am官方入口青年教师讲课比赛     三等奖

        2019年永利集团3044am官方入口青年教师讲课比赛     二等奖

        2017年永利集团3044am官方入口教学成果奖   二等奖   排名4/4 

4. 合著教材:《机能实验双语教程》 永利集团3044am官方入口出版社

                         《机能学实验》       高等教育出版社

5. 教改项目:《医学生理学实验双语教学模式的探索》

6. 教学论文:《医学留学生生理学科实验教学实践探讨》 卫生职业教育

7. 课程建设:《生理学》双语教学课程建设

8. 教学团队:

① 张小郁,方泉,蔺美玲,陈红梅,李红芳,张伟,李宁,张楠,汪江碧,金珊,豆兴成,强时茸,许彪. 甘肃省高等学校人才培养质量提高项目--医学生理学教学团队(甘教高函〔2022〕11 号,2022年5月30日)(2022.06-2025.06)

② 张小郁,方泉,蔺美玲,陈红梅,李红芳,张伟,李宁,张楠,汪江碧,金珊,豆兴成,强时茸,许彪. 2022年度永利集团3044am官方入口医学教育创新发展项目--医学生理学教学团队(项目编号: lzuyxcx-2022-19 )(2022.7.01-2024.6.30)(5万)