
职  务:免疫学教研室副主任

职  称:副教授,硕士研究生导师






1. 甘肃省科技计划项目,21JR7RA534,结核亚单位疫苗研究创新群体,2021-112024-10,参与

2. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,31860697,藏药砂生槐种子水溶性生物碱E2-a抗泡球蚴病的分子机制研究,2019-012022-12,参与


4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31600726IL-28B下调调节性T细胞的分子机制及对免疫微环境的影响,2017-012019-12,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31470895,结核亚单位疫苗诱导的记忆性T细胞亚型特征、分化调控及保护效应研究,2015-012018-12,参与

6. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,lzujbky-2014-146MASP-2活性功能区CCP1/2SPCCP2SPSP基因表达质粒构建与鉴定,2014-012015-06,主持

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31370912MASP-2效应酶介导感染性肉芽肿形成、成熟的免疫调节机制研究,2014-012014-12,参与

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81072499IL-28BCD25抗体抑制调节性T细胞增强结核亚单位疫苗免疫活性实验研究,2011-012013-12,参与

9. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,lzujbky-2009-140,结核融合蛋白AMM亚单位疫苗强化BCG初始免疫对记忆T细胞影响的研究,2010-012010-12,主持

10. 国家科技重大专项,2008ZX10003011-4,结核病理分子免疫机制,2008-082011-0587.5万元,已结题,参与


1. Li Z, Wang J, Chen C, He Q, Xu X, Da Z, Wang B, Wang M, Gao X, Zhang G, Gao Q, Si X, Luo Y*, Ma X. Intratumoral IL-28B Gene Delivery Elicits Antitumor Effects by Remodeling of the Tumor Microenvironment in H22-Bearing Mice. J Immunol Res 2022, 2022: 1345971.

2. Zhang Y, Wang J, Yang Q, Li Z, Xu X, Chen C, Hou Z, He Q, Sheng L, Ma X, Luo Y*. Synergism therapeutic and immunoregulatory effects of Albendazole + rAd-mIL-28B against Echinococcosis in experiment-infected mice with protoscoleces. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021, 15(11): e0009927.

3. Chen C, Gao Q, Luo Y, Zhang G, Xu X, Li Z, Wang J, He Q, Sheng L, Ma X. The immunotherapy with hMASP-2 DNA nanolipoplexes against echinococcosis in experimentally protoscolex-infected mice. Acta Trop 2020, 210: 105579.

4. Li Z, Zhang G, Luo Y, Gao Q, Wang J, Chen C, Xu X, Zhao Y, Li T, Ma X. In vivo effect of magnetic microspheres loaded with E2-a in the treatment of alveolar echinococcosis. Sci Rep 2020, 10(1): 12589.

5. Ma X, Zhang L, Wang J, Luo Y. Knowledge Domain and Emerging Trends on Echinococcosis Research: A Scientometric Analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health 2019, 16(5).

6. Bai C, He J, Niu H, Hu L, Luo Y, Liu X, Peng L, Zhu B. Prolonged intervals during Mycobacterium tuberculosis subunit vaccine boosting contributes to eliciting immunity mediated by central memory-like T cells. Tuberculosis (Edinb) 2018, 110: 104-111.

7. Luo Y, Zhang G, Liu X, Yuan M, Gao Q, Gao H, Ke L, Zhang X, Shi Y, Ma X. Therapeutic and immunoregulatory effects of water-soluble alkaloids E2-a from Sophora moorcroftiana seeds as a novel potential agent against echinococcosis in experimentally protoscolex-infected mice. Veterinary research 2018, 49(1): 100.

8. Luo Y, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Zhang H, Zhang L, Yu H, Cao M, Shi Y, Zhi D, Ma X, Dong K. Anti-parasitic effects of water-soluble alkaloid fractions from ethanolic extracts of Sophora moorcroftiana seeds in Caenorhabditis elegans. Chinese journal of natural medicines 2018, 16(9): 665-673.

9. Luo Y, Ma X, Liu X, Lu X, Niu H, Yu H, Bai C, Peng J, Xian Q, Wang Y, Zhu B. IL-28B down-regulates regulatory T cells but does not improve the protective immunity following tuberculosis subunit vaccine immunization. Int Immunol 2016, 28(2): 77-85.

10.    Luo Y, Jiang W, Da Z, Wang B, Hu L, Zhang Y, An R, Yu H, Sun H, Tang K, Tang Z, Wang Y, Jing T, Zhu B. Subunit vaccine candidate AMM down-regulated the regulatory T cells and enhanced the protective immunity of BCG on a suitable schedule. Scand J Immunol 2012, 75(3): 293-300.